Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Shopping Haul

Hello again! as you may have noticed I haven't been blogging in ages due to internet issues but today I am bringing you a double postt

This is just a quick haul of the things I got in 1 hour with YEN, everything is also cheap nothing high end and completely affordable. First off I got another Real Techniques Brush, this time it's a powder brush, everyone probably saw it coming, in fact I was looking for this while shopping so I'm glad that's ticked off the list, also along the way I purchased a Liptint From Rimmel in the color Timeless Tango, just wanted to test out something new. Secondly I got a pack of these Round/Circle Farrings From Valleygirl for only $7 :O that's SOOO cheap and if you haven't noticed circle earrings are my absolute faves especially LARGE ones, I have sooo much colors now YAY!!!!! I also purchased a feather hair Clippy Thing From Valleygirl which is also the second time I bought it cause the girl never put it in the bag when I bought it :( I then went into Diva along the way and bought this Pastel Minty Green Spikey Bracelet, which I am super pleased with because it looks really edgy but the color also looks girly and feminine ♥ Last jewellery purchase is also a Bracelet From Colette, this is probably my favorite of the day, it's just sooo girly with the pink and the best thing was that Yen bought it for me so THANK YOU YEN!!!!! OXOX
Also I forgot to mention that I purchased a pair of flats (which I don't own many) out of the blue because it was just so cute and incredibly cheappp. See I think today has been a very good day, I didn't buy anything expensive and found some pretty Amazing deals!
Me wearing FLATS!

 Price list for these purchases:
- Real Techniques Powder Brush $24.99Aud
-Rimmel Lip Tint $15.95Aud
-Valleygirl Circle Earrings $6.95Aud
-Valleygirl Feather Hair Clip $6.95Aud
-Diva Spiky Mint Bracelet $10Aud
-Colette Pink/Green Bracelet FREE ($12.95)
-Temt Multicolored Flats $14.95Aud

Sunny vs Hoola

 Hey sisters, today I am going to be comparing these two lovely bronzers : NYC bronzer in Sunny  and the Benefit Hoola.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I have been using the Benefit Hoola Bronzer for about 3-4 months now and I really love it, it's a perfectly matte bronze shade with no shimmer which makes it perfect for contouring or if you want that all over natural looking tan. I also really like that this bronzer suits most skin types from light/medium to tan/dark, it all just depends on the amount you use and since it's soo pigmented I recommend using a bit at a time to build up the intensity or just tap off the excess powder. This bronzer is also very finely milled so it doesn't look chunky or uneven on the face and I think the wearing time is great, I would say that this stays on my face all day (about 12 hours) which is great for someone who works long hours or have no time to do touch-ups during the day. Now that I have mentioned all the good things about this bronzer, here comes the bad..............
One thing that is pretty obvious is the price, for all you ladies out there who are on a budget, might have to think twice about this because it is pricey. Another thing that I hear all the time is that this bronzer can make your face look muddy, since it is very pigmented it can be easy to overdo, this bronzer for some reason has that muddy color to it that looks rather unattractive when not applied properly and I think it has happened to many people. Lastly, another thing that I can really say is the brush that comes with it, this brush is average quality and totally useless, the bristles are really hard and pick up a whole lot of product, it is also hard to blend with this flat brush.
Overall I think that the pros definitely outweighs the cons, this bronzer is packed with plenty of product and will probably last me a lifetime.
With flash: HOOLA BRONZER    

The NYC Bronzer in Sunny is a new bronzer that I got and I can see why people compare this to the Benefit Hoola. This bronzer is also matte and it has a smooth texture giving you a nice summer glow. One thing thats different about this and the Hoola bronzer is that its not as pigmented which is why I don't use it most mornings since it requires more time and effort to be applied. The color in the pan and when swatched also appears to be more orange than the Hoola bronzer but I can assure that when it's applied to the face it looks really soft and natural. As for the price this is about three times cheaper than the Benefit Hoola bronzer which is very good and affordable. The packaging is a lot more slim so it is more ideal for travelling.
w/Flash: NYC bronzer in Sunny
 Overall I love both of these bronzers for very different reasons, the NYC one gives a more soft glow whereas the Benefit Hoola gives me a more chiseled look. I use the benefit Hoola more on a daily basis to save time but to save money I recommend buying the NYC bronzer because it's great.
Daylight/LtoR: Benefit Hoola, NYC Sunny

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Springgg is coming

Heyyyy Gorgeous, it's the season we all have been waiting for, as you may know Spring is next month and its all about floral patterns, warm pastel fun colors, dangly earrings, it's time for some SHOPPING!!!!! and to put all our winter clothing to the back of the wardrobe!! ♥♥♥

So to give everyone an idea of what I'm saying I am going to make a list of things to buy for myself this Spring~

1. Wedges Wedges Wedges!!!! I want a pair of stripey wedges because they are more comfortable to wear than other shoes and they are PERFECT for Spring
2. Dresses - long dresses, short dresses anyyyyyyyy!!! I have to wear dresses this Spring because of winter it has been soo cold I can't wear any dresses
3. Jewellery - I have been buying jewellery more often but I always seem to lose it or have to buy a piece more than onceee :(
4. Scarf - I always see those thin flowy scarfs in magazines and I really want a bright YELLOW one!!
5. This is the last thing but certainly not least....EYEDROPS omggg I need eyedrops this is essential for spring because during this season all the flowers in Australia goo crazy and fly everywhere making my eyes itchy.

Before I end this post I just want to show you guys this AMAZING bargain that I found the other day. So I was shopping in Zara the other day and I saw these pair of shoes, it caught my eye because it was too sparkly, I saw the price tag it was $159, I tried it on and my sister said it looked really nice, I didn't know if I should get it cause it did look a bit old/mature, so in the end I decided to get it, willing to pay $159, I got to the registered she scanned through the clothes and when she came to the shoes it was only $50 OMGGG that's soo cheapp how on Earth did that happen, sooo luucky !! anyways that was all to my shoeeee storyyyyyyyy!!  here's a picture of it: What do you think?
I'm ONLY $50

Friday, 10 August 2012


Hey Everyone, I'm here to bring you guys a haul of some things I got today ♥♥♥
So today Sachi, Julie and I went to Highpoint to buy Julie a birthday present, Julie knew what she wanted so we bought her stuff pretty quickly, besides that I bought a few things for myself and surprisingly it's all makeup related because I felt really sick and didn't want to shop around for clothing. 

So the first thing that I got was a blush from INGLOT in no.29 I swatched it and it felt soo soft so I had to buy it. After that we went into Priceline because I wanted to become a member and to be a member I had to buy something, so I grabbed a blush from Rimmel in medium? which was around $15 and that's pretty cheap, then I grabbed the Maybelline dream matte powder because I needed a new powder and I'm soo soooo glad I picked the right color since there was only 2 shades available. I was walking around awhile looking for the Real Techniques Blush Brush, I didn't know if they were sold in Australia but was still looking and then just out of the blue it was just in front of me and without hesitation I had to buy it, I'm sooo happy and it's soo soft, softer than my nars powder brush but not as soft as sigma, if you know what I mean ;) The last thing that I purchased today was the Lush Enzymion moisturizer because my moisturizer ran out so I had to buy a new one....

I wanted to add a few things from benefit because even though I didn't buy anything there today, my online package arrived so might as well add that in, I only got the Brows a Go Go kit, mini Porefessional and a cream eyeshadow. The package came in with more products because my friends and I combined the whole purchase

Heres What the Package Came Like!!    
                          So many product but they're not mine...

Anyways if you have any questions please ask or leave a comment and if you have a request for me to review on anything please feel free to ask

~Nancy OXOX

Thursday, 2 August 2012

July Beauty Faves

Hello everyone, So today I have decided to show you guys my July favorites. Theses are the things that I absolutely love and have been using for the whole month

Estee lauder Pure Color Blush in Witty peach   
Omg I love using this blush soo much, it is very pretty and what I really like about this is that it goes from a light yellow peachy color to a peachy pink which is really cool because I can choose what sort of color I want. This blush is also a newer version of the old Signature Silky Powder blush in Peach nuance


 Mac sheertone blush in Blushbaby
I really like this blush because I don't have anything like it and it was hard for me to look for something like that. I would say that it's a pinky-nude blush, perfect for winter or those days when you have no idea what to wear and you could never go wrong since it is a sheertone. I also like putting this on and layering it with another blush cause it's look better and stays on longer.
Physicians Formula Happy Booster Blush in Natural
I also wanted to add this to my favorites because I love the look of it...so CUTE! and this also smells so good, I would say that this smells like fresh roses from the garden.. it's a very light scent but if you're someone who don't like they're make-up to have a fragrance then I don't recommend. This product also claims to have ingredients that are suppose to make you happier but I don't know about that.
Swatches L to R:  EL blush/witty peach, PF happy booster in natural and Mac Blushbaby

  Chanel Teint Controle Extreme powder foundation in 10 Beige Clair
This powder foundation is what I use nearly everyday, I use it like a powder so I just put a bit on my brush and put it all over the face and it looks very natural.
Mac Select Cover-up Concealer in NC30
This is my favorite concealer in the whole wide world, I like the consistency of this concealer it's liquid but then it still stays on the face, I would use this to cover up any spots.

 Maybelline Volum' Express Falsies in Blackest Black
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this mascara forever and ever!!!! this is probably my favorite for the whole year because this is what I have been using for the whole year and I will never use anything because nothing compares. I use this mascara everyday and I love that it's easier to use than other ones especially the covergirl lashblast the wands are HUGE!!!! I have tried a million mascaras and this will always be the best.It does everything I need volume, length and curl
                           Maybelline Volum' Express Falsies Black Drama
I also had to add this to my monthly faves because my falsies kind of dried out half way through the month and I bought this when it was on sale at Priceline. This is like the falsies but I don't like it as much cause it is a bit more clumpy and flakey. I use this when I feel like I don't have enough mascara on and it works pretty well.
                    Rimmel Soft Kohl Kajal Eye Pencil in Jet Black 
I haven't been using eyeliner that much this month because my eyes just became sensitive so I probably only used this 10 times but this was the only eyeliner I used so I wanted to put that in. I really didn't expect to like this eyeliner, because my friend Sachi told me that the Rimmel eyeliners are good when she actually meant maxfactor, so I went and bought this one and it is also cheap, I like this because it is really really black and creamy, this one is easy to apply because it is SOO creamy it's hard to miss a spot on the first attempt.
                     Nyx Jumbo Eye Pencil in Sparkle Nude 
This is one of the new colors that just came out and I really like putting this under any eyeshadow. This is sort of like a shimmery champagne color so it's  not too over the top and I love it!!!

Mac Mineralize Eyeshadow Trio in Making It Easy 
I don't wear eyeshadow everyday because I still go to school and don't really wanna wear too much makeup but if I were to wear eyeshadow I would only wear this one because it's so easy to use, there are three colors to complete a neutral eye look and it is pigmented which is Amazingg♥ 
Mac Mineralize Eyeshadow
Rimmel Eyeliner and Nyx Jumbo Eye Pencil

Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupte lipstick in #7 Lingerie Pink
I love wearing pink lipstick because it suits me most and other colors just make me look old so this month my favorite would have to be this baby pink lippy, it looks like a color no-one would want to wear cause it might look too barbie-ish but I really like this color!!!!
and last but no least.........
Nars powder brush #1 and Sigma F55 small duo fibre
These are the two brushes that I have used the most this month and it's just a simple powder brush and a mini skunk brush.

Anyways thanks for visiting my blog, I hope everyone had a lovely July oxoxo