Thursday, 16 August 2012

Springgg is coming

Heyyyy Gorgeous, it's the season we all have been waiting for, as you may know Spring is next month and its all about floral patterns, warm pastel fun colors, dangly earrings, it's time for some SHOPPING!!!!! and to put all our winter clothing to the back of the wardrobe!! ♥♥♥

So to give everyone an idea of what I'm saying I am going to make a list of things to buy for myself this Spring~

1. Wedges Wedges Wedges!!!! I want a pair of stripey wedges because they are more comfortable to wear than other shoes and they are PERFECT for Spring
2. Dresses - long dresses, short dresses anyyyyyyyy!!! I have to wear dresses this Spring because of winter it has been soo cold I can't wear any dresses
3. Jewellery - I have been buying jewellery more often but I always seem to lose it or have to buy a piece more than onceee :(
4. Scarf - I always see those thin flowy scarfs in magazines and I really want a bright YELLOW one!!
5. This is the last thing but certainly not least....EYEDROPS omggg I need eyedrops this is essential for spring because during this season all the flowers in Australia goo crazy and fly everywhere making my eyes itchy.

Before I end this post I just want to show you guys this AMAZING bargain that I found the other day. So I was shopping in Zara the other day and I saw these pair of shoes, it caught my eye because it was too sparkly, I saw the price tag it was $159, I tried it on and my sister said it looked really nice, I didn't know if I should get it cause it did look a bit old/mature, so in the end I decided to get it, willing to pay $159, I got to the registered she scanned through the clothes and when she came to the shoes it was only $50 OMGGG that's soo cheapp how on Earth did that happen, sooo luucky !! anyways that was all to my shoeeee storyyyyyyyy!!  here's a picture of it: What do you think?
I'm ONLY $50

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